A Case of Seduction Read online

Page 2

  Sensing that Zachary was no longer resisting, Sebastian moved his left arm lower, caressing the other man’s thighs before stroking the sensitive flesh in between. At the contact, Zachary gasped, detaching his mouth from Sebastian’s as he tried to swallow as much air as he could in the confined space.

  “It seems your body is more honest,” Sebastian commented, pleased at feeling the other man harden. Unlacing Zachary’s breeches, he wrapped his gloved hand around Zachary’s bare arousal, eliciting a moan, and put more effort and technique into his strokes, his fingertips paying special attention to the tip and scrotum before traveling the entire length. His hand was so skillful, in fact, that Zachary was no longer able to protest, his entire body trembling in pleasure and moving on its own to get more of the delightful friction, which soon proved to be too much, causing him to hit his head on the wood in front of him as he reached his climax, spilling himself onto Sebastian’s hand, some of his essence spurting out to land on the fabric of his breeches and the wood.

  Sebastian waited for the shivers to dissipate and then withdrew his hand, at the same time stepping back as much as he was allowed to. The result was that Zachary was finally able to open the door, stumbling out onto the corridor where he hastily laced his breeches and faced Sebastian with an infuriated expression.

  “Well, that was certainly interesting,” Sebastian remarked, ignoring the expression as he, too, stumbled out. “Although it would have been much better if…”

  “Mr. Jones,” Zachary cut him off with an icy tone. “Unless you want your death to be in the papers next, you’d do well to never speak of this or lay a finger on me again.”

  With that, he turned and left, leaving Sebastian confounded, amused and still very much aroused.

  ~ ~ ~

  He certainly was a tough one, Sebastian thought, the memory of having Zachary climax in his arms still fresh in his mind the next afternoon. He did not dare bring up the subject, though, and instead, decided to go over what they had been able to find out so far.

  Based on the conversation they had overheard last night – the only part of last night they were allowed to discuss – the Viscount of Westbury was clearly hiding something. Most likely, he had been part of a plot, which, according to the woman he had been speaking to, had failed, likely resulting in a tragic consequence, perhaps even the death of Lady Rosalind, although they did not yet have any evidence to indicate that. If only they knew who the woman was, things would have been much clearer, but as it was, they still had no clue.

  Earlier, he had paid a visit to his former governess, who was currently the paid companion of the Earl of Huntington’s sister, to ask for a list of the women who had been present at the ball the previous night. She still had not sent the list, though, and there was no certainty when she would.

  Damnation, Sebastian thought. If only he could remember where he had heard that voice before.

  Zachary, too, was certain he had heard the voice before. He sat in the chair opposite Sebastian, wearing the same perplexed expression. The problem was he could not remember exactly where.

  That was not the only problem he had, though.

  Ever since the intimate experience he had shared with Sebastian, he had been unable to focus on anything else for more than a few minutes, although it was not the act itself that bothered him as much as the fact that he had enjoyed it. Yes, as much as he wanted to deny it, he had enjoyed it. The stain on the front of the breeches he wore yesterday was proof of it. Worse, in spite of the threat he had issued, he was actually hoping that Sebastian would do it again, and perhaps something even more.

  What in bloody hell had Sebastian done to him?

  Even now, just sitting across Sebastian was making him blush like an innocent, which was why he decided to cover his face with his notebook. The whole thing was beginning to make him think that he felt something for Sebastian, after all. Perhaps, in fact, he had always liked Sebastian but had been too afraid to deal with his emotions, which was why he ‘ran away’ and took a wife.


  “Is something the matter, Mr. Williams?” Sebastian asked. As usual, the other man’s instinct was sharp, or maybe it was the fact that Zachary had suddenly hit the top of his head with his notebook that had given him away.

  “Nothing at all, Mr. Jones,” Zachary said, forcing himself to calm down. “I simply seem to be seething in frustration at the standstill we have reached.”

  “Ah, so the feeling is mutual then,” Sebastian said.

  If Zachary had been drinking, he was sure he would have choked at the words. As it was, he just gave a small cough, earning another curious glance from Sebastian, which he dismissed by adjusting his glasses and focusing on his notebook.

  It was amazing how concentration could truly bring about results, Zachary thought as he was able to discover something new in just a few minutes. He closed his notebook and stood up, grinning.

  “Care to explain where you are going, Mr. Williams?” Sebastian asked.

  “I have just realized that there is still one person we have not spoken to.”

  Sebastian’s eyes sparkled with interest as he clasped his hands in front of him. “Pray, tell me, who have we missed?”

  “Emily White,” Zachary answered.

  “I see.” Sebastian sat back, his interest vanishing, making Zachary wonder.

  “You are not coming along?”

  “As much as I feel honored that you desire my company, I am afraid I won’t be able to join you,” Sebastian said.

  “I don’t understand, Mr. Jones.”

  “You see, Mr. Williams,” Sebastian began to explain. “Ms. White, Lady Rosalind’s former maid, is now employed in the household of the widowed Marchioness of Bolingbrook, who is quite the eccentric. In fact, she does not allow men in her house, stating that they all remind her of her late husband, and her servants are not allowed to meet with men, either.”


  “Now that you brought it up, though, I believe Ms. White would be an excellent source of information,” Sebastian said, suddenly grinning. “And you know what else I believe, Mr. Williams?”

  “What is it, Mr. Jones?” Zachary was almost afraid to ask.

  “I believe that with your auburn hair and your long lashes, you could easily pass off as an attractive young lady.”

  Zachary scowled, understanding just what it was Sebastian was implying and thinking that it was not exactly a bad idea.

  What, indeed, had Sebastian done to him?

  ~ ~ ~

  Sebastian watched Zachary as he disappeared inside the gates of the mansion and then started walking towards the carriage waiting in the next block, where he told Zachary he would wait.

  In truth, he had been surprised that the other investigator had agreed to his plan, and without too many arguments at that. Then again, Zachary had always been willing to go through great lengths to solve a case and this was just one of those.

  Still, he had looked better than Sebastian predicted, leading Sebastian to wonder just what else he would look good in.

  He was so deep in thought, in fact, that he hadn’t noticed half an hour had passed or that there were footsteps approaching the carriage, which was why he sat up in surprise when Zachary entered.

  “Well?” Sebastian inquired as soon as Zachary took his seat, at the same time tapping the ceiling of the carriage to let the driver know that they could leave.

  “Ms. White said that her mistress was indeed acting peculiar just before she died,” Zachary relayed as he took off his wig of auburn curls.

  “Go on,” Sebastian encouraged.

  “She said that at first, Lady Rosalind had seemed extremely happy, almost as if she was in love, which Ms. White initially attributed to her forthcoming engagement, but then, she unintentionally saw the letter and started thinking that Lady Rosalind had another lover, just as we have learned. After a week or so, though, she noticed that Lady Rosalind had started to change, often getting lost in thought
and not eating properly. The day before she died, Ms. White said that Lady Rosalind seemed particularly disturbed.”

  “It sounds like Lady Rosalind had indeed considered eloping with someone, thus, her anxiety.”

  “But if she really loved the man, wouldn’t she be more ecstatic than anxious?” Zachary asked.

  “It could be that she was torn.”

  “Or she could have changed her mind but didn’t know how to tell him.”

  Sebastian nodded. “What else did Ms. White say?”

  “Interestingly enough, while she was telling me about her former mistress, she mentioned that Lady Rosalind and her stepmother were not on good terms. In fact, she said Lady Arabella had tried to poison her once.”

  “Lady Arabella,” Sebastian muttered, scratching his chin. “So she is not a paragon of virtue, after all.”

  “Indeed,” Zachary said. “Though I am not sure how that will help us.”

  “I’m quite sure it will,” Sebastian said. “You’ve done an excellent job, Mr. Williams.”

  Unable to control himself any longer, Sebastian leaned across the carriage so that his face was just an inch from the other man’s.

  “Just exactly what do you think you are doing, Mr. Jones?” Zachary asked, his heart suddenly pounding at their proximity.

  “Rewarding you for a job well done,” Sebastian answered.

  “I am certain I told you never to lay a finger on me,” Zachary warned.

  “Oh, I won’t lay a finger on you, Mr. Williams,” Sebastian assured with a sly grin. Without another word, he moved forward to capture Zachary’s mouth with his own, thrusting his tongue in between the lips that had parted in surprise, his arms leaning on the wall of the carriage for support.

  He thrusted his tongue in deeper, allowing it to toy with the other man’s and savoring the unique taste of him, which immediately renewed the arousal brought about by his imaginings just a few minutes ago.

  He would have wanted to touch Zachary, too, and explore his body as he did not really have the chance to in the broom closet, but remembering his promise, decided to let his mouth do the exploring instead.

  With that in mind, he reluctantly released Zachary’s lips and moved down to plant kisses along his jaw line and down his neck, making him shiver. Seeing that it was impossible to undo the front of the dress Zachary was wearing without using his hands – unlacing the strays and undoing the buttons would have been difficult enough even with his hands – but refusing to be deterred, he knelt down instead and bent over to take the hem of the skirt between his teeth, lifting it. He managed to roll it up above Zachary’s knees and smiling at the feat, he planted kisses on them before letting his mouth travel up the other man’s thighs to his crotch, causing the fabric of the skirts to bunch up as he did.

  Reaching his destination, Sebastian mentally uttered a remark of gratitude for the fact that Zachary was wearing a skirt instead of tight breeches, which he would not have been able to unlace with his teeth. He immediately frowned, though, when he realized that Zachary was still wearing a man’s undergarment, which meant he would not be able to tug it off easily, his only option to caress the other man’s crotch with his tongue through the fabric.

  He started on the task, his tongue tracing the entire length of the clothed member in between gentle nips and sucks on the tip, the string of gasps, curses and moans he could hear above him spurring him on. To his delight, it started to harden, threatening to burst through the wool drawers with a bead of moisture staining the fabric.

  He licked the small stain, eliciting a heavy curse from the man he was pleasuring, and then continued his task, teasing Zachary slowly and deliberately, which soon proved to be too much, or perhaps too little since Zachary started moving his hips in an unspoken demand for more.

  Sebastian suddenly stopped, looking up to meet lust-clouded brown eyes, his own hazed grey ones silently issuing a challenge.

  “Damnation,” Zachary cursed. “Just use your hands already.”

  Sebastian smirked but did not need to be told twice. Quickly, he pushed back the skirts further, unbuttoned Zachary’s drawers and took out his arousal, making him gasp as he felt the cold air on his warm flesh, which Sebastian warmed even further, using both his tongue and his fingers at the same time.

  In just mere seconds, Sebastian felt the man above him trembling, his hands tugging on his black locks in warning of his impending climax, trying to pull him off. Sebastian, however, did not heed them, wrapping his lips around Zachary’s entire length and giving a particularly hard suck which hastened the other man’s release even more, his essence filling Sebastian’s mouth, which he quickly swallowed.

  When he had finished milking the other man dry, Sebastian released the softening member, catching a drop of Zachary’s essence which had trickled down the side of his mouth with his finger and licking it off. The action clearly horrified Zachary who opened his mouth to speak as soon as he had caught his breath.

  “You…swallowed it?”

  Sebastian nodded slowly. “Just as I imagined, you taste quite exquisite.”


  Sebastian silenced him with another kiss, letting the other man have a taste of himself, his hand working to undo the front of the dress Zachary wore.

  Just as he had succeeded undoing a few buttons, though, he was interrupted by a shout from outside the carriage.

  “Mr. Jones! Mr. Jones!”

  Sebastian looked out the window, at the same time, signaling the carriage driver to stop.

  “What is it, lad?”

  “Mrs. Dalton sent me to give you this,” the boy handed him a letter. “I was supposed to deliver it at your house but I saw your carriage and thought he might be with you.”

  “It’s alright, lad,” Sebastian said. “Tell Mrs. Dalton she has my gratitude and that I’ll pay her another visit soon.”

  The boy nodded and ran off.

  Signaling the driver to proceed, Sebastian sat back and looked at Zachary, who, to his dismay, had already taken the dress off and was putting on his breeches, which was indication enough that he had no intention of continuing where they left off.

  Sighing in exasperation, he opened the letter, hoping to find something that would help them make some progress and more importantly, distract him from his current state.

  “Well?” Zachary asked as he buttoned his shirt.

  “Here, you can go through it yourself.” Sebastian handed him the letter. “After all, your memory is sharper than mine.”

  Ignoring the compliment and trying not to think of what had just transpired between them —again—Zachary went over the contents of the letter, which was quite a long list. He read it twice, more carefully the second time, his eyes widening as something struck him.

  “You remember now, don’t you?” Sebastian asked, noting his reaction.

  Zachary nodded. “And it’s starting to make sense.”

  “Will you be so kind as to explain, Mr. Williams?”

  “The voice we heard last night belongs to Lady Arabella.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Lady Arabella, however, like the Viscount, had nothing helpful to impart, saying that while she admittedly was not particularly fond of her stepdaughter, who she felt the Earl doted on excessively, she had never wished her anything ill and would not want her dead.

  As to her acquaintance with the Viscount of Westbury, she simply explained that the late Viscount and her father had been friends so she knew him fairly well but that was all there was to it. According to her, she had not spoken to the Viscount recently aside from chatting with him at the ball last night, which she had only attended out of courtesy since she had already accepted the invitation a few weeks back.

  In fact, the only helpful information that turned out was that they were able to confirm that the voice they heard while they were in the broom closet was indeed Lady Arabella’s, although they did not bring that up.

  Presently, they were back at Sebastian’s house, reflecting
on the case as they had earlier that day.

  “If Lady Arabella was capable of trying to poison Lady Rosalind, then she is very much capable of shooting her, I think,” Zachary said.

  “Ah, so you are taking Ms. White’s word,” Sebastian said, taking a sip from his cup of tea.

  “She seems to have a stronger motive for killing Lady Rosalind, too.”

  “But based on their conversation, it seems that it was Lord Theodore who did the killing, which explains his anxiety.”

  “The Countess might have put him up to it,” Zachary suggested.

  “Sadly, we have no firm evidence,” Sebastian said, placing his cup down and standing up.

  “Where, may I ask, are you going, Mr. Jones?” Zachary asked.

  “I believe I shall go have a walk by the river to refresh my mind,” Sebastian answered. “Would you care to keep me company?”

  “I shall remain here, thank you,” Zachary answered, not too comfortable about being out with Sebastian alone. After all, if Sebastian had the courage to ravish him inside a moving carriage, the memory of which burned Zachary’s cheeks once more, there was a chance he would even do it outside.

  As if reading his mind again, Sebastian chuckled. “Be certain, Mr. Williams, if I wanted to ravish you, I would have done it here already.” His words caused Zachary’s blush to deepen. “As it is, there is something bothering me that I need to settle first.”

  Zachary snorted. “So you have some measure of self-control, after all. I wouldn’t have guessed.”

  “Do not tempt me, Mr. Williams,” Sebastian warned, and with those words, left.

  Once alone, Zachary sat back and rubbed his temple, exhausted and frustrated, although he was not sure what frustrated him more – the case or the way things were going between him and Sebastian.