A Case of Seduction Read online

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  There was another part of him that had straightened up, as well, making him realize with a grimace that he had not been with a man for more than three fortnights – clean men who were willing and more than half his age were not a usual commodity, after all – and for a moment, he was tempted to turn the knob and join in, but he restrained himself, reminding himself that it was beneath him to sequester another man’s prey.

  He stepped back, intent on departing from the scene, but just as he was about to turn around and leave, a floorboard gave way, the sound echoing in the silence.

  Seconds later, the door opened behind him and a plump woman climbed up the stairs in front of him, mumbling a string of curses, though she quickly kept quiet and ran back down the stairs after seeing the two nobles.

  As soon as she had gone, Ulysses slowly turned around and as he did, his eyes widened slightly in recognition. The other noble seemed to recognize him, too, since his expression turned from one of annoyance to one of worry.

  “Wolfshire,” he spoke, his voice barely a whisper.

  “Good evening to you, too, Lord Nightingale,” Ulysses greeted the younger brother of the Marquis of Oakbridge calmly.

  For a moment, Raymond Nightingale appeared as if seized with panic, unable to utter a word. Then, regaining his composure, he applauded.

  “I am flattered that you know my name, Wolfshire,” he said. “I was under the impression not having a title meant one could enjoy obscurity.”

  “An obscurity you revel in, it seems,” was Ulysses’s reply.

  “Well, we all must have something to revel in,” Raymond said. He gestured towards the room behind him. “Can I offer you some brandy?”

  “Didn’t you already have company?”

  Raymond frowned. He disappeared inside the room and a moment later, he emerged with the other man in the room, now with his wrists freed and his blindfold removed, though he was still naked, his clothes in his arms. He did not look very pleased but issued no complaint as he left.

  “Are you certain about letting him go?” Ulysses questioned.

  “He has been paid well for his silence and, er, his services,” Raymond answered. “Besides, it cannot be helped. I have a more important guest.” He opened the door wider. “Please come in.”

  Ulysses entered. Just as he suspected, the room was clean, recently repaired and more decently furnished.

  “Here.” Raymond handed him a glass of brandy.

  Ulysses took it and sniffed it. “I trust you brought your own. I am not sure I have confidence in anything this…establishment provides.”

  “I did,” the other noble assured. “Though the glasses are theirs.”

  That made Ulysses hesitate.

  “Don’t worry. They have been properly washed.” Raymond took a sip from his own glass.

  Ulysses reluctantly did the same.

  “You do not like brothels?” Raymond asked curiously.

  “Not this one.”

  “I am well aware that this isn’t the best-kept brothel in London, but it is for that reason I chose it.”

  “I am quite certain there are more decent ones that provide just as much obscurity.”

  Raymond looked confused. “Given your disdain for the establishment, I find it hard to comprehend your presence here.”

  “Suffice it to say a recent circumstance has prompted such a visit,” was Ulysses’s cryptic response.

  “Ah, I see.”

  “It hardly matters, does it?”

  Raymond set down his glass. “Indeed, it does not. After all, the fact is that you have learned of my secret.”

  “So I have,” he agreed.

  The other noble approached him slowly. “I was hoping I could persuade you to keep it.”

  Ulysses bit his lip. “Go on.”

  “It came to my attention earlier that you were aroused by what you saw.” Raymond brushed his fingers ever so slightly against his crotch, then went to the laces of his breeches. “Perhaps if I could relieve you of your…predicament, you would be gracious enough to overlook what you saw.”

  The offer amused Ulysses. So Raymond had noticed his condition, after all, which was probably why he had invited him inside the room. More than that, the other noble was offering to repair it, which was something he did not hear everyday. It would be a waste to refuse.

  “That depends on how well you relieve me,” he said.

  Raymond grinned. “It seems you have issued me a challenge. Well then, allow me to answer it.”

  Raymond helped him out of his coat and proceeded to undo the laces of his breeches, and then his boots. After removing them both, he took the empty glass from Ulysses’ hands to set it down on the table and led him to the chair he had been sitting on earlier, kneeling in front of it and lifting the hem of his shirt.

  As soon as Raymond did, a red tinge spread across his cheeks, making Ulysses smirk. So he thought he could handle him, did he?

  “Is there a problem, Nightingale?” Ulysses asked out loud.

  Raymond huffed. “None at all.”

  “I am warning you, if I ever so much as feel your teeth…”

  “I am no novice, Wolfshire,” Raymond interrupted. “I assure you I know what I’m doing. In fact, I can assure you that I have more skill than any woman you’ve ever had.”

  “Let’s put that mouth to better use, shall we?”

  To be continued....